About Me

Hello, my name is Nabil Faturrahman. I'm 20 years old and currently in my 5th semester studying Computer Science at Mikroskil University in Indonesia. I have a strong passion for web development and design, and I'm working towards becoming a full-stack developer development and design.My coding journey started back in 2020 during the COVID lockdown(shoutout to the K-drama Startup for inspiring me to dive in HAHAHA). I started by diving deep into the internet and picked up Python as my first programming language. Since then, college has introduced me to React for web development, Flutter for mobile development, and C++ for competitive programming.I know the journey ahead is long, and that’s the best part! There’s so much to learn, and I’m motivated to explore as much as I can. I love learning, improving, and sharing my journey, so feel free to reach out—I’d be more than happy to connect.

Find Me

Here are some of the ways to find me:

Tech Stack

Here are some of the technologies and tools I've worked with to build this website:

  1. Framework: Next.js 14
  1. Language: TypeScript
  1. Styling: TailwindCSS
  1. UI: Shadcn/UI
  1. Deployment: Vercel
  1. Blog: MDX
  1. Analytics: Coming Soon!